Today, as I am up at the crack of dawn prepping for lunch, I am reflecting on the past seven months and all it has meant.
Over 60 lunches have been served by us. At least 200 different individuals have been less hungry on Tuesdays and Fridays. We have formed relationships with nearly all of these people. Many of them are now friends. At least 25 children have been fed. We have provided resource and referral for countless community members in need of assistance. We have engaged with hundreds of passerby’s who have given thanks, donations and shared efforts. We have lost a few too soon to the opioid epidemic that is consuming our nation. We have seen a few move on toward a brighter future. There have been good days. There have been some rough days. There has been tears. There has been many tears. There has been laughter. And more tears.
I am not looking for praise. I’m not seeking a pat on the back or recognition. I am simply reflecting on all which has happened. I am just one person. Hoping to make a difference, big or small. The point here is to be of service. What I have found, though, is purpose. I won’t save the world by cooking meals for these people. Hell, I may not even save one person. But these people have given me more than they realize. They have given me hope. Hope that there is still compassion and love in the world. It’s out there. I’m surrounded by it every Tuesday and Friday. And I am grateful. Thank you to every person I have met along this journey. Each person has touched my heart.